Useful Downloads
Below are some handy downloads to assist managers. All of these are available on our dropbox page, please click HERE to access the section.
This is a detailed teamsheet making program which I would recommend using to ensure you can write detailed tactical sheets without falling foul of errors!
What you need to do to make this work is copy and paste your own roster into the "Sheet Creator" folder. Then you click on the TSM PLUS and you can load the roster (choose your own in the folder that you just put there).
Then you can select the players etc. Please make sure the abbreviation matches your roster name ie ARS INT or MAU as examples. This means the right file name will save for you.
Then you save it and it will make you a sheet in the same folder. Within the folder is an example ARS and ARSSHT which I did to test it worked OK.
The spreadsheet we will be using when scouting senior players. This is done using the OpenOffice software and is compatible with MS Excel.
The spreadsheet we will be using when scouting YOUTH (x numbered) players only, who play in your reserves. This is done using the OpenOffice software and is compatible with MS Excel. These are lower rated players that come into the seniors in their early 20s and receive a star rating.
Player Value Calculator (Value Tool)
Gives you a rough price value for a given player. This is done using the OpenOffice software and is compatible with MS Excel. This is by no means guaranteed and prices can change given the market at any one time.
Calculate the retirement value of your player! Please note you cannot retire a player in his final season. Type over the default player with your man's stats to create a figure on the right of the spreadsheet. Also uses OpenOffice.
This copy of a default game engine and also the various leagues and an End of Season cleaning up folder, which contains a variety of useful programs. If you want to get the most out of them, copy and paste your roster into the folder and also those of other squads you wish to assess!
Contained within the Game Engine folder are all sorts of goodies:​
This program cleans rosters, so if ever you are simulating lots of matches and updating to see how it affects your team, this will clean them back to zero, increase the ages, and a whole host of other things.
This is the game engine itself, double click to use. Please type full roster file names in to get the games to run
Example: Aston Villa (ast) VS Chelsea (che)
Type: "astsht.txt"
Hit Enter
Type "chesht.txt"
Hit Enter
You get the game's result. It will as if you want to run Extra Time and penalties. This is entirely up to you!
y = yes
n = no
A text file with the match commentary is then generated along with supplementary info such as reports.
This creates a teamsheet from a given roster, with the formation and tactic being specified by the user.
Place your roster into the folder and select this program. Then when prompted, type your 3 letter (or 4 for reserves) prefix.
Select a formation and tactic.
This is a really easy way to make yourself an error-free sheet template for every real PBeMFF game!!
This program will create a random and perfectly valid teamsheet for use if you are feeling brave or perplexed!
This program creates files with the top 20 players for things like goals, shots, saves, man of the matches. Please note it works using the teams from TEAMS.dat so if you only want to focus on a small number of teams, remove the other roster prefixes which you do not need.
Lists all the players in the game in a way you specify, from a variety of options. Works best when using every current roster in the game for comparison.
Teamsheet Checker+
This program checks a given teamsheet for errors, and is pretty much an essential managers tool.
This creates a totals file (the total number of points in a certain field in a roster) for any skill or stat.
Sort the rosters into correct order, ensuring your Keepers, Defenders, etc, are ordered by main stat for ease of viewing. Commissioner does this after every run of matches anyway,
Any problems or queries, please shout!